When impulse buying anything, you can be in for a shock when you discover that the product doesn't live up to your preconceived expectations. Luckily in this case, the majority of buyers are going to be in for a delightful surprise.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
REVIEW: What to Expect When You're Expecting
When impulse buying anything, you can be in for a shock when you discover that the product doesn't live up to your preconceived expectations. Luckily in this case, the majority of buyers are going to be in for a delightful surprise.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Getting Going
So, I've got a little girl now. My first. What a world!
As of now, she is 3 weeks, old, and things have settled down a bit. We are getting in to a routine, and luckily, things are relatively easy. She is quiet, and isn't very fussy. We have a good sleeping pattern established, where I stay up nights to watch her so mommy can sleep, and I get to sleep till noon while mommy watches her.
So now that I can breathe easier, I have another project to do...
As of now, she is 3 weeks, old, and things have settled down a bit. We are getting in to a routine, and luckily, things are relatively easy. She is quiet, and isn't very fussy. We have a good sleeping pattern established, where I stay up nights to watch her so mommy can sleep, and I get to sleep till noon while mommy watches her.
So now that I can breathe easier, I have another project to do...
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