About Us

Based in the Los Angeles area, he married his wife from Saitama, Tokyo, Japan in 2008.  Their first child was born in 2010, a healthy little girl, and a second daughter was born in 2013.  His background is in entertainment in film production.  When not writing for GaijinDaddy, he can frequently be found playing games on his Xbox, hiking, riding his recumbent bicycle, or looking for work.

About The Reviews
As of now, all the reviews are conducted on items that are purchased with the writers own money, and is written from their own initiative.

No companies have provided samples to test, to keep, or outright purchased positive reviews.

If in the future a sample is provided, or given to us to keep in return for a review, then the review will clearly state this.

As of this time and for the foreseeable future, positive reviews will not be for sale. Only honest opinions will be given.