So Kawaii! |
I've never heard of an american girl cleaning their boyfriends ears. If you even suggested it to them, I bet you would get some strange looks. Or be out a girlfriend.
My Japanese girlfriends have enjoyed having me lay down on their lap as they put a special ear cleaning stick in my ear.
We shall refer to it as The Probe.
Something I've never seen in the states, but all my Japanese friends (Guys and Girls) have is The Probe.
For those of you that have never had somebody else clean out your ears for you as an adult, imagine a dry wet willy that goes a little too deep, coupled with the somewhat gentle poking and prodding of The Probe.
Now, couple that with laying down in the lap of a cute Japanese girl (sometimes as her boobs are resting on your head), and you can see your arousing dilemma.
Anyway, now with our kids (plural! Getting to that), she does it for them as well. To show our oldest it's OK, my Wife demonstrated it on me, so I guess all those other times were for the best.
Now, my kid is excited to go Treasure Hunting, and proudly shows me what golden treasures were to be found from her ear.
Apparently, European earwax is wet and waxy, and tastes disgusting (not that I'd know...), while Asian earwax is dry, and flakey, and also tastes disgusting. Not that I've ever tasted it myself. That's just gross, tasting other people's earwax.
This makes The Probe a better device for cleaning earwax than what I am familiar with, the old standard Q-Tip, which although is the perfect size and shape, is not supposed to be used at all inside your ear. Just around the edges of the outside. The More you know...
This of course has been remedied by some industrious cotton swab manufactures. They have made swabs with little ridges on the shaft near the cotton, which are placed at a point indicating the average maximum safe distance an object can be placed in the ear, without damaging anything. Even the supposedly safety conscious folks that make these things have given up on keeping their product out of our ears.
Now, over in the States, you can pretty much pay anybody to do anything. Want your nails trimmed? Go to a nail salon. Too lazy to shave? Go to a Barber or Beauty Salon. Want your ears Cleaned? Get out of my shop, before I call the cops.
In Japan, you can actually pay for this service. I haven't actually used this myself, so I don't know if you get quite the same, ahem, service that you do when your girlfriend does it.
So, to hell with the old rule "Never Stick Anything Larger Than Your Elbow In Your Ear", I'm getting probed tonight!
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